Some UCSB staff members are assigned multiple roles in the UCPath system. 

If you have questions about your assigned role(s), think you were assigned a role in error, or do not have access to the system functionality you need to fulfill your job duties, please consult your Business Officer/MSO/supervisor.


  • WFA Initiator
  • Access to hire, maintain, and support Workforce Administration (WFA) data for employees. This user has access to personal data, job data, and position management functional areas.
  • WFA Approver
  • Access to approve Workforce Administration (WFA) transactions. This role may include access to authorize transactions for all employee groups or only specific employee groups, such as staff non-student, academic non-student
    (academic, dean, and post-doc), or students (staff and academic).
  • WFA Inquirer
  • View-only access to Workforce Administration (WFA) related pages in UCPath.
  • PFA Initiator
  • Access to enter Payroll/Financial Administration (PFA) transactions for
    employees. This user can enter payroll requests, direct retro transactions (salary
    cost transfers), and payroll adjustments to accrual management.
  • PFA Approver
  • Access to approve Payroll/Financial Administration (PFA) transactions, including
    final pay requests, off-cycle check requests, payroll adjustments for accrual management, and direct retro funding updates (salary cost transfers). This role
    may include access to approve transactions for all employee groups or only specific employee groups, such as staff non-student, academic non-student (academic, dean, and post-doc), or students (staff and academic).
  • PFA Inquirer
  • View-only access to view Payroll/Financial Administration (PFA) related data.
  • Budget Manager
  • Access to enter and update budget/staffing related data in UCPath. This role is key for managing the staffing report data.
  • Budget Inquirer
  • View-only access to budget/staffing related data in UCPath.
  • BSA Inquirer
  • View-only access to benefit-related data in UCPath to support other employees. This role is for users who provide benefit support to department employees, suited for Department Benefit Representatives (DBRs).
  • Case Manager
  • Access to submit an inquiry (Salesforce case) to the UCPath Center (UCPC) on behalf of another employee.
  • TAM Hiring Manager 
  • Creates job openings, reviews and dispositions applicants, schedules interviews and completes evaluations, completes reference checks, proposes job offer details, submits Universal background checks if provisioned with a user account, and submits Prepare for Hires (or template-based hires when necessary) to UCPC.